Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Independence Day.. What does that really mean? I am so happy with the freedoms that we are granted as Americans, but the fourth of July is more than that. I am celebrating the fact that I have freedom to worship and praise God. To be in a country that I don't have to worry about the goverment killing me for trying to spread the gospel.I was talking to a friend the other day and we were talking about living in truth. Sometimes we take for granted the liberty of the spirit we feel. I have tried to make it a habit that everytime I go to church that I pray for the liberty in our alter. Sometimes it takes us a little while to realize what we are blessed to feel when we walk in Gods presence. It seems like alot of the time we don't realize what we have until it is gone. That is one thing that I pray that doesn't happen. To be able to stand behind a pew and raise my hands and worship is what I love to do. To search and study his word for new and exciting things. That is what I am celebrating this fourth of July. The fact that God is so good and his mercy endureth forever. Happy Fourth Of July...

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