Monday, July 31, 2006

?*?DeSiRE or FiRe?*?

Well it is 12:46 am and I am wide awake... Want to know the reason I am wide awake? It is because I am reading the book of Revelations... I do have to day that their are some parts of this book that are a little on the confusing side, but it is a very interesting book....I have read over it in the past but have never just sat down and read it.... I would have to say that the message that Bro. Harrelson preached Sunday night was a life changing message.... It will by far beat any other message that I have ever heard.....To be honest it was not all about the message that moved me.... IT was about one word that I have used in a previous blog... A word that I have grown to love..... That one life changing word is PASSION... When he preached you could feel and see the passion and desire that he has to live for God.... I was thinking on my way home from work tonight about that word.... YOu know we all say that we have the "want to" to live for God, but what case we got the pasison to live for God... Who knows what we could accomplish then... There is a huge differnece between a burden and a passion. The two words that come to mind that describe how different these words are is desire and fire....(its a plus that they rhyme)A burden is when you have a desrie to see something.. For example, when you say that you have a burden to see a family member saved then you have a desire for them. Oh but when you get the passion to see that family member saved; you light that fire... Eventually that fire is going to grow and spread.... Not saying that having aburden is bad, but when you have PASSION it takes you to a new ball field..... We(including myself) talk about growth in our youth group, but without a passion(fire) how are we going to accomplish this? I am sitting here listen to a song and here are a few of the words:
I want you to know that your about to break loose
Jesus took the keys and gave them to you
Heres what we got to do is...
Shake loose everything that binds us up
Who told you that you cant take it when God says that you can make it
Shake loose everything that binds you up
Praise him like its your last chance
Get up and do the Holy Ghost dance.......

I dont even have to say much more.......SHAKE LOOSE.........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

stacy youare so right .keep up the good work!!!!